Bakti Desa 2019

Hello! Here I'll tell you about my activities on Bakti Desa 2019🌾

Bakti Desa is an annual program held by my school, SMA Negeri 3 Bandung, and collaborate with OSIS SMA Negeri 3 Bandung. It was held on 3rd-5th Januari 2019 in Cieubeureum Village, Kertasari, West Java. Basically this program intend to give new experiences for student to try and feel living in a village which is far from downtown.

On the first day, all of the student 3'2020 gathered in SMA Negeri 3 Bandung with many belongings such as clothes, staff and staples, books, etc. Those items would be donated for Desa Cieubereum. We carried our belongings to angkot and it piled up at the back of angkot. *I had fun story (hmm). Our angkot's rear glass fell down to the road because the glass' hinge was rusty and also overcapacity :". Fyi I sat at the back of angkot. So the whole trip I got free air also pollution :(. However it was so fun because we could see the scenery clearly LOL.* When we arrived at Cibeureum Village, we were welcomed by headman of Cibeureum Village and some villagers there. They explained about conditions in Cibeureum Village like their allure is in agricultural sector. Then we got to our basecamp/foster parents. We unpacked our belongings and started to walked around Cibeureum village.

On the second day, I woke up at 4 and helped my foster parents to prepare breakfast. Then my housemates and I went to large field. I tried to harvest leeks and cabbages, played at river, and many more. Then we went to Situ Cisanti. We walked about 5 kilometers to reach it. It was so tiring but paid off with a good view. After that I went back home by walked through semi-forest with my classmates. After we arived, I took a bath then we went to the hall. There we learned all about agriculture things. After that we went back home again and had dinner served by my foster parents. It was so simple but tasty. At night, my class collected all the clothes we were carried and giveaway them to villagers. They were so excited and I was happy because I could share little things and made them pleased. After that we were all tired and decided to took rest and pack our belongings for tomorrow.

--harvesting leeks--

--harvesting cabbages --

-- f r i e n d s🙆-

Last day in Cibeureum Village was so unforgettable. First me and some of OSIS member went to some schools arond Cibeureum Village to donate books. We went there by school bus yeay. When we gave books, teachers and some students at school received it with great pleasure. What a fun! Then my friends and I decided to go to place called Ciendog. Trip to got there were tough. We got lost and we have to pass difficult terrain. Full of mud. Incidentally we met other friends from other group who would go to Ciendog too, so it was more exiting. Along the way to Ciendog we could see a breath-taking scenery and greet friendly peasants. At Ciendog we took some photo and took rest for a while. Then we went back to our foster parents to prepare to go to our real home at Bandung. We took a bath then took picture with my foster parents.

Bakdes gives me a lot of new experiences and many important values. I hope I can go here later. Thank you Cibeureum💖


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