Aspiration Day 2019

Hi guys! Here I'll tell you about one of PK ( Perwakilan Kelas ) work program called Aspiration Day. Aspiration Day 2019 :The Millenials Aspiration day (Aspiday) is an event held by PK to accomodate students, teachers, employee, or everyone who are the member of 3 Senior High School Bandung to speak their aspirations to make 3 Senior High School better. All aspirations accomodated by PK then they transfer it to the authorized party. Aspiday was held on Friday, 26th April 2019 in SMA Negeri 3 Bandung's hall. First I could see the decorations towards the hall and I have to sign the attendance. Fyi my aspiration is make a program that we mustn't use plastic to buy snacks at canteen. We have to bring our own lunch box. So, the event begun with MC. Then a word from SMA Negeri 3 Bandung' vice principal, chairperson of the event, and the talkshow from Dr. Keri Lestari. She talked about the freedom to speak up our aspirat...